Artist Eddie Breen takes old paintings and adds his owns twist to them. He calls this process "breening"

These are whimsical and somewhat psychedelic, and often political. He gets his canvases from eBay, then returns them to eBay in their breened state. In some ways this reminds of Rauschenberg, who took a pencil drawing of deKoonig's and then erased it, wlthough there are implications in Rauschenberg that are missing here. Actually, now that I think about it, a better comparison might be remixing in pop music. At any rate, there is something appealing to me in both the idea and in the result that Eddie gets. Seems like fun!

These are whimsical and somewhat psychedelic, and often political. He gets his canvases from eBay, then returns them to eBay in their breened state. In some ways this reminds of Rauschenberg, who took a pencil drawing of deKoonig's and then erased it, wlthough there are implications in Rauschenberg that are missing here. Actually, now that I think about it, a better comparison might be remixing in pop music. At any rate, there is something appealing to me in both the idea and in the result that Eddie gets. Seems like fun!
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